Nexus Suite

For Employee Central & EC Payroll

Each of the Nexus modules can be used individually or in any combination based upon the specific requirements
of your Organisation. Our software can be used to “Lift-and-Shift” your configuration, master data and results from SAP On-Premise or alternatively, to replicate data between ECP Instances and Clients, perform regression tests or quickly and easily create reports to be used throughout your Organisation.

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Data Replication Module

Revolutionise your payroll support processes by instantly creating a copy of problem employees from production to test! The Data Replication module can easily replicate, duplicate and scramble any ECP master data throughout the different instances and clients of your SAP landscape. Use it to help resolve payroll issues quickly and confidently, generate training data, or create multiple examples of a particular issue to cater for different test cases – the options are endless.

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Payroll Verification Module

Are you tired of exhaustively testing everything only to find that the changes you’ve imported have just introduced another payroll problem? Ensure that any changes that are made to your system don’t negatively impact your productive payroll. This module provides you with the means to very easily define a complete payroll verification process including result comparison, analysis result recording/tracking, and comprehensive reporting – no spreadsheets required!

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HCM Reporting Module

How often do you find you must compromise on your SAP HCM reporting requirements, or build custom ABAP reports where there is no standard report to provide the information? With the HCM Reporting Module you can produce, chart, and distribute combined data reports (e.g. combine payroll result data with master data, quota balances), reconciliation reports (e.g. payment summary reconciliation, payroll to posting reconciliation, payroll balancing), statistical reports (e.g. headcounts, EEO statistics, salary analysis) and all in a matter of minutes!

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Data Conversion Module

The Nexus Suite Data Conversion Module allows you to move HRIS and Payroll data into SAP Employee Central Payroll (ECP) and Employee Central (EC) from non-SAP systems with minimal effort, maximum efficiency and unprecedented visibility!

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